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Get oYou can help someone in seconds.  People today lead busy lives, and many say their reason for not doing more is too much work, too much school, too many chores, and too many family responsibilities.  But even with all that, you can still get up in the morning, and do your part with a "click".  Even at my busiest times, I would check my email every day for petitions that i could sign where I could have my say AND make a difference, with only seconds to spare.  Signing petitions are important, because there is power in groups, and people in charge recognize that.
There are also many sites that will donate money or food depending on many visitors click on the site.  Many common such sites are for homeless animals or charity organizations benefiting various diseases like breast cancer.
Below is a list of links where you can "click and serve".  n a list, and then sign the petitions when they come rolling in, or make a note to check in on a site once a week.  You can indeed help save the world today with a "click"!

http://www.care2.com                     http://www.thehungersite.com 
http://www.panna.org                      http://www.thebreastcancersite.com
http://www/hsus.org                        http://www.therainforestsite.com
http://www.sojo.net                          http://www.thechildhealthsite.com
http://www.defenders.org               http://www.theliteracysite.com
http://www.ucsusa.org                    http://www.animalrescue.com
http://www.moveon.org                   http://www.reliefweb.int
http://www.mercycorps.org            http://www.wfp.org

http://action.citizen.org/signUp.jsp    http://www.humanrightsfirst.org
http://www.hrw.org                         http://www.amnesty.org